PELUM Ethiopia organized Practical training on preparation and utilization of organic plant protection (ash Brew) in Lode Hitosa Woreda.

The one day practical training was organized by PELUM Ethiopia in collaboration with its implementing organization, Best Practice Association (BPA) on August 02, 2022 in Huruta town of Lode Hitosa Woreda.


The training brought together 27(5F) trainees representing three community learning groups (15), woreda experts and development agent (10) including two trainers both from PELUM Ethiopia and BPA respectively.

The practical training mainly focused on preparation and utilization of organic plant protection especially Ash brew. After a short brief on common pest and diseases and plant protection methods, the practical training was delivered. At the end of the training, participants shared their reflections on and questions. Overall the training was participatory and practical and highly appreciated by the trainees.  

The training was financially supported by PADD through the project entitled” scaling up Agro-ecology in Ethiopia through networking”