PELUM-Ethiopia, MELCA-Ethiopia and YALTA jointly organized national bio-safety workshop: the workshop mainly focused to create awareness on biosafety and discuss matters related to the emerging issues and concerns regarding_ introduction of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and planned and ongoing genetic modification of strategic Ethiopian crops.
The two national workshop was held on from 10th to 11th May, 2022 at Panorama Hotel, Addis Ababa. and shared ideas, concerns and knowledge on basics of Biosafety, legal issues governing GMOs and implication of the introduction of GMOs and modifications of local food crops to social, economic and ecological aspects in particular and Agriculture and food system of the country in General. Accordingly, 6 topical papers were presented by selected professionals. after the two presentations panel discussions and reflections.
The workshop brought together around 34 participants representing policy makers, researchers, non-governmental organizations, house of representatives partners to share their ideas and experiences.
The workshop participants contributed valuable ideas in producing a draft declaration to be submitted to all concerned bodies. This workshop is financially supported by PELUM Ethiopia, MELCA-Ethiopia and YALTA respective partners namely, PADD/BFW, SIDA and IKEA.