Reflections and Current Developments Regarding The Introduction of Emerging Technologies Into Ethiopian Agriculture

Pelum Ethiopia in collaboration with Melca Ethiopia and  ESFSAC organized a one day consultative meeting on  “reflections and current developments regarding the introduction of emerging technologies into Ethiopian agriculture” held on April 16, 2024



 Right After introduction of participants,  Dr. Hailu Araya, PELUM Ethiopia director delivered a welcome speech. Next, A key note speech delivered by Mr. Solomon Kebede, Melca Ethiopia director. Opening remark was by Dr. Feleke weldeyes, vice director of Ethiopian biodiversity institute (EBI). During his speech , he highlighted the importance of working together with likeminded stakeholders on food systems and bio safety. Dr. Elene, from Ethiopian biodiversity institute (EBI) presented on a topic entitled “ Teff: diversity, conservation undertakings by EBI  and implications of emerging genetic modification”. The next presenter is Dr Bayush, executive director of ESFSAC her presentation title is “ the role of Ethiopian farmers in the domestication, development and utilization of Teff varieties”.