First Ethiopian Agrobiodiversity- Seed and Food fair held

The promoters of Agro-ecology in Ethiopia are organized a one day first Ethiopian agrobiodiversity-Seed and Food Fair exhibition and held at Ghion hotel, Addis Ababa on January 26, 2023.

The main goal of the event was to showcase the potential values of indigenous agricultural crops/plants, to encourage the interaction and official recognition of indigenous local crop seeds custodians and users, supporters and other actors at national level.

The event has brought together more than 140 participants representing CSOs, farmers, civil unions, regional agricultural bureaus, EBI and etc...

During the event, three consecutive keynote speeches were delivered by Dr. Regassa Feyissa from EOSA, farmer Tadesse (farmers’ representative) and Dr. Nigusu Legesse, director of CCRDA respectively. And the Opening remark was by Christophe from PADD.

General discussion and Panel discussion on three agendas; richness and resilience of root crops in Ethiopia, home gardens empower women and the family as well as diversity of our cereals were part of the full day program. Farmers were among the panelists.

The next and very important event of the day was the seed and food session. During the event, a number indigenous seed varieties and foods were displayed. This event was highly appreciated and was a surprise for many for the participants.

At the concluding stage of the event, four seed savor unions, two organizations including EBI and two individuals namely, Excellences Regassa Feyissa (PH.D) AND Melaku Werede (PH.D) were acknowledged In recognition of their outstanding contribution in the development and conservation of indigenous crop varieties.

The founding members of the platform and organizers of the event were PELUM Ethiopia, CCRDA, ASE and EECMY DASSC.